

檔案說明Workshop I(英文發表) 臺灣與荷蘭對於青少年毒品防制之協力治理比較分析 A Comparison Analysis between Taiwan and the Netherlands of Collaborative Governance Relation to Prevent Youth Drug Abuse Workshop II(中文發表) 從協力治理觀點探討荷蘭整合性水患風險管理-還地於河為例 A Study on Dutch Integrated Flood Risk Management from the Perspective of Collaborative Governance-Room for the River Workshop III(中文發表) 臺灣與荷蘭對自行車文化發展之政策協力分析 An Analysis between Taiwan and the Netherlands of Collaborative Governance Relation to Cycling Culture Workshop IV(中文發表) 科技產業協同創新網絡-以臺灣中小企業為例 The Model of the High-Tech Industry Collaborative Networks, focused on Small and Medium Enterprise in Taiwan