薦任第九職等Junior Rank (Grade 9)108-12-17
薦任人員Junior rank civil service108-12-17
終身學習Life-Long Learning108-12-17
分區導讀會(含每月一書及經典研析)Nationwide reading seminars and classics reading campaign108-12-17
公務人員考試錄取人員實務訓練On-the-Job Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examination108-12-17
薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等績優學員海外研習Overseas Study of Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank108-12-17
警佐警察人員晉升警正官等訓練Promotion Training for Police Sergeants108-12-17
升任官等訓練Rank Promotion Training 108-12-17
公務人員高等考試Senior Examination for the Civil Service108-12-17
簡任第十職等Senior Rank (Grade 10)108-12-17
簡任人員Senior rank civil service108-12-17
特種考試移民行政人員考試Special Examination for Administrative Immigration Officers108-12-17
特種考試地方政府公務人員考試Special Examination for Local Government Personnel108-12-17
特種考試身心障礙人員考試Special Examination for the Disabled108-12-17
公務人員特種考試原住民族考試Special Examination for the Indigenous Peoples108-12-17
特種考試退除役軍人轉任公務人員考試Special Examination for Veterans Transferring to the Civil Service108-12-17
公務人員特種考試Special Examinations for Civil Service Personnel108-12-17
高階文官培訓飛躍方案Take-Off Program for Senior Civil Service108-12-17
行政中立訓練Training for Administrative Neutrality108-12-17
委任公務人員晉升薦任官等訓練Training for Civil Servants with Elementary Rank Seeking Promotion to Junior Rank108-12-17