年度推薦經典Annual recommended classics108-12-18
公務人員考試錄取人員基礎訓練Basic Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examination108-12-18
每月一書Book of the month108-12-17
每月一書導讀會Book of the month seminars108-12-17
文官講堂Civil Service Auditorium108-12-17
公務人員考試Civil Service Examination108-12-17
公務人員考試法Civil Service Examination Act108-12-17
公務人員升官等考試法Civil Service Promotion Examination Act108-12-17
經典研析導讀會Classics reading seminars108-12-17
專書閱讀心得寫作Designated book review writing108-12-17
專書閱讀心得寫作競賽Designated book review writing contest108-12-18
公務人員初等考試Elementary Examination for the Civil Service108-12-17
委任第五職等Elementary Rank (Grade 5)108-12-17
委任人員Elementary rank civil service108-12-17
菁英講堂Elite Hall108-12-18
全球化英語班English Language Program in a Globalized World108-12-17
中高階公務人員Junior and senior civil service108-12-17
公務人員普通考試Junior Examination for the Civil Service108-12-17