高階文官培訓飛躍方案 | Take-Off Program for Senior Civil Service | 108-12-17 |
行政中立訓練 | Training for Administrative Neutrality | 108-12-17 |
委任公務人員晉升薦任官等訓練 | Training for Civil Servants with Elementary Rank Seeking Promotion to Junior Rank | 108-12-17 |
公務人員考試錄取人員訓練 | Training for Personnel Newly Passed the Civil Service Examination | 108-12-17 |
薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練(含警正警察人員晉升警監官等訓練) | Training for Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank (including Training for Police Officers Promotion from Junior Rank to Senior Rank) | 108-12-17 |
交通事業人員員級晉升高員級資位訓練 | Training for Transportation Enterprise Employee Promotion from Middle Rank to Senior Rank | 108-12-17 |